A dvanced
P lanning
​C onsultants, LLC.
Emergency Preparedness Planning
APC offers an abundance of Emergency Preparedness Planning services to all public safety agencies. All plans are customized to meet the needs of the client and are compliant with all applicable guidance, protocols, and regulations. Below are examples of planning services that we can provide.
Local Mitigation Strategies
A Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) is a plan developed by a county to reduce and or eliminate the risks associated with natural and man-made hazards. The LMS is a mechanism for collaboration between state and local entities that encourages pre-disaster planning, recognizes need for mitigation, and designates funding for projects through Federal grant opportunities. APC staff has developed and updated various Local Mitigation Strategies (LMS). Customized services include the hazard analysis and vulnerability assessment as well as advanced GIS Mapping.
Continuity of Operations Plan
An organization’s continuity of operations plan (COOP) documents the overarching strategy, policies, and procedures required to support its continuity of operations program. The COOP addresses readiness and preparedness, continuity operations, reconstitution operations, as well as, mission essential functions, alternate facilities, records management, and order of succession. APC partners with local communities to develop COOP plans in accordance with Florida Department of Emergency Management (FDEM) guidance to ensure continued performance of mission essential functions.
Floodplain Management Plan
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) provides federally supported flood insurance in communities that regulate development in floodplains. The Community Rating System (CRS) grades the various Community Floodplain Management Programs and reduces flood insurance premiums in those communities that meet certain requirements. APC Staff has experience implementing the planning process along with the necessary Risk/Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation Strategy.
Post Disaster Redevelopment Plan
The PDRP is intended to provide guidance on maximizing funds and resources that are available to a jurisdiction following a disaster, identify the current capacity of the jurisdiction to manage long-term recovery and provide strategic guidance throughout the post-disaster redevelopment process. APC staff has developed several PDRP plans for counties to meet the needs addressed by the community.
Community Specific Hazard/Vulnerability Analysis
Community specific hazard/vulnerability assessments are typically housed within the Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) and or Threat Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (THIRA). The risks associated with each hazard are analyzed to prioritize planning, mitigation, response and recovery activities. APC staff has the ability to provide numerous types of hazard/vulnerability assessments specific to community needs.
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans (CEMP) are developed in accordance with Chapter 252 and with the Federal requirements embodied in the National Incident Management System (NIMS). The CEMP establishes a framework that prepares for, responds to, recovers from, and mitigates the impacts of a wide variety of disasters and emergency events that could adversely affect local communities. APC staff has extensive knowledge in developing and updating plans as well as ensuring the CEMP meets all compliance documents.
Threat Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (THIRA)
The purpose of the THIRA is to help the jurisdictions identify capability targets and resource requirements necessary to address anticipated and unanticipated risks. The main objective of the THIRA is to review these hazards and assess the jurisdictions ability to perform the critical functions associated with the 31 core capabilities as described by FEMA in the National Preparedness Goal. APC has extensive experience in developing and implementing the THIRA process for local and regional jurisdictions.
Incident Action Planning (IAP)
An incident action plan (IAP) formally documents incident goals, operational period objectives, and the response strategy defined by incident command during response planning. It contains general tactics to achieve goals and objectives within the overall strategy, while providing important information on event and response parameters. APC Staff has experience developing IAPs for various types of incidents.
Debris Management Plan
A Debris Management Plan facilitates and coordinates the management of debris following a disaster in order to mitigate against any potential threat to the lives, health, safety, and welfare of the impacted citizens, expedite recovery efforts in the impacted area, and address any threat of significant damage to improved public or private property. APC staff is familiar with developing debris management plans for local jurisdictions that follows existing guidelines, ordinances, and protocols.
Hazard Specific Plan(s)
A hazard-specific plan focuses on the special planning needs generated by the hazard and should not duplicate the information in the functional annex. The plan contains unique and regulatory response planning details that apply to a single hazard. It addresses the essential operational actions that must be accomplished to facilitate the successful completion of a particular response function. APC staff has vast experience in developing and updating hazard specific plans to include Terrorism; Transportation; Radiological; Hazardous Materials; etc.
Position Specific Plan(s)
Emergency response consists of various types of functional positions. All positions address critical functions regarding emergency responder's duties, responsibilities, and capabilities. Position plans typically address Command and General Staff members such as Incident Commander; Public Information Officer; Safety Liaison; Section Chief's; Division/Group Supervisors; and Unit Leaders. But they can also address other functional areas that are intended to be tailored to you specific needs. APC has knowledge with position specific planning that meets ICS and NIMS standards.
Community Rating System
The National Flood Insurance Program's (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum NFIP requirements. As a result, flood insurance premium rates are discounted to reflect the reduced flood risk resulting from the community actions meeting the three goals of the CRS. APC has developed and updated several plans that address many elements of the CRS program.